PacketLight offers a highly integrated transponder / muxponder platform for offering the optical transport layer, which supports a variety of client services protocols, including: 10G / 40G / 100G / 200G LAN, STM64 / OC-192, OTU2 / OTU2e and Fiber Channel.

100 Gbit
The PL-1000GM modular solution provides 100G transport cost effectively, enabling smooth and efficient service roll-out. The PL-1000GM uses standards-based, pluggable, optical modules on all optical interfaces on both client and line. The solution meets market demands for low power consumption and rack space savings, reducing overall CAPEX and OPEX and enabling to easily and cost-effectively increase capacity of enterprise and metro networks.

200 Gbit
PacketLight’s PL-2000M is a 200G multi-protocol multi-rate muxponder/transponder for building high capacity optical transport networks. Its flexible architecture enables the same device to be used in multiple applications and adapt to network growth and changes.