PacketLight’s PL-1000GM is a highly integrated transponder/muxponder platform for providing unified 100G optical transport layer, supporting a variety of client services protocols, including: 10G/40G/100G LAN, STM64/OC-192, OTU2/OTU2e and 8G Fibre Channel.

The PL-1000GM modular solution provides 100G transport cost effectively, enabling smooth and efficient service roll-out. The PL-1000GM uses standards-based, pluggable, optical modules on all optical interfaces on both client and line. The solution meets market demands for low power consumption and rack space savings, reducing overall CAPEX and OPEX and enabling to easily and cost-effectively increase capacity of enterprise and metro networks.
Flexible Design
PacketLight integrates up to two optical amplifiers, mux/demux and DCM modules in the same 1U chassis, offering the smallest and most integrated 100G transport solution in the industry.
Powerful Feature Set
The PL-1000GM seamlessly interconnects with third party DWDM equipment using LR4 or coherent CFP uplinks thus allowing easy and cost effective scalability.