Opticonnect offers a series of QSFP + (Quad, 4-channel, Small Form-factor Pluggable +) transceivers for communication over optical fiber with data rates up to 40Gbps and distances up to 40km. The QSFP + Optics are standardized and can be used in different types of hardware; Switches, routers and servers from different manufacturers.

Opticonnect offers a range of QSFP+ (Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable Plus) products such as transceivers and kabels. QSFP+ can reach dataspeeds up to 40Gbps by four channels of data in one Pluggable transceiver. Each channel can transfer data at 10Gbps and supports in total 40Gbps. This type of transceiver provides higher density and will reduce the cost of your network system. Depending on the type of fiber, the QSFP + Optics support a distance of up to 40km without the use of optical amplification.
Standard Dual Fiber
Standard Dual Fiber QSFP + tranceivers are suitable for a single connection, such as a connection between two switches. Opticonnect offers Optics for both MultiMode and SingleMode fibers, which are applicable in the usual network equipment. Opticonnects Dual Fiber QSFP + Optics are available in data rates from 10Gbps (4×10) to 40Gbps.
Product naam | Omschrijving | Extra informatie |
QSFP-SR4 | QSFP+ module, 40Gigabit SR4, 100m, MM 850nm | |
QSFP-LR4-10 | QSFP+ module, 40Gigabit, LR4, 10km, SM, CWDM, 1270-1330nm | Datasheet |
QSFP-LR4-20 | QSFP+ module, 40Gigabit, LR4, 20km, SM, CWDM, 1270-1330nm | |
QSFP-LR4-30 | QSFP+ module, 40Gigabit, LR4, 30km, SM, CWDM, 1270-1330nm | |
DAC (QSP+, High speed Direct attached cable) | ||
DAC-QQ-40-1 | QSFP+, High speed Direct Attach Cable, 40Gbps, 1m, 4 Channels 10/5/2.5Gbps, AWG 30 | Datasheet |
DAC-QQ-40-3 | QSFP+, High speed Direct Attach Cable ,40Gbps, 3m, 4 Channels 10/5/2.5Gbps, AWG 30 | Datasheet |
DAC-QQ-40-5 | QSFP+, High speed Direct Attach Cable, 40Gbps, 5m, 4 Channels 10/5/2.5Gbps, AWG 28 | Datasheet |
AOC (Active Optical Cable, QSFP+ to SFP+) | ||
AOC-QS-40-1 | QSFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable, 40Gbps to 4 x 10GBps. 1 meter | |
AOC-QS-40-3 | QSFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable, 40Gbps to 4 x 10GBps, 3 meter | |
AOC-QS-40-5 | QSFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable, 40Gbps to 4 x 10GBps. 5 meter | |
AOC-QS-40-10 | QSFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable, 40Gbps to 4 x 10GBps. 10 meter | |
AOC-QS-40-25 | QSFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable, 40Gbps to 4 x 10GBps. 25 meter | |
AOC-QS-40-100 | QSFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable, 40Gbps to 4 x 10GBps. 100 meter |